Sunday 16 February 2014

Transmission Repair: Slipping Problems?

Is your vehicle slipping on more than just ice on the roads? Is it having shifting problems? If so, you may be looking at a potential transmission repair. This is why it is so important to take care of even the smallest details of vehicle maintenance on a regular basis, including a transmission service.

If you are looking for Transmission Repair Milton-Freewater OR your search can be over with our Wentland  Diesel Auto Repair Milton-Freewater OR . Meet us for Engine Repair Milton-Freewater OR to have safe driving.

Often, when vehicle owners hear the words "transmission repair," it can cause a lot of anxiety. The most frightening aspect is the looming financial outlay for this kind of repair service. It is especially true if you have neglected basic transmission service as recommended by the manufacturer.

Here are two maintenance tips that will help you keep your car or truck in peak operating performance:

    * Maintain regular fluid and filter change intervals. Keeping up with your vehicle's fluid and filter changes at the recommended intervals is vital for its lasting performance. While some fluids, like brake fluid, clutch fluid and coolant don't demand attention as often as an oil change or a transmission flush, they're just as important. A typical transmission repair consists of changing the filter and filling up the level of fluid. It's quick, easy and can save you some serious transmission repair dollars down the line. Mark your calendar for one day a month to check the level of fluids, along with any other issues that could cause potential problems, such as tire pressure, chips or cracks or windows, dings or dents that could rust, or the condition of the windshield wiper blades.

    * Schedule at least two inspections of the motor during the year. A highly trained mechanic can diagnose potential problems before they actually happen. Most transmissions should be checked and serviced twice a year, which includes a transmission flush. To take the time to have a check up with a good transmission repair technician twice a year is cheap insurance for the investment in your vehicle.

For a car or truck that is 'out of gear,' take it to a transmission service center and leave it in the trained and skilled hands of a trusted professional. Contact our ASE Certified Technicians at Wentland Diesel Service by calling 541-938-3875 or go on-line at for more information. Our auto shop provides car and truck repair, including diesel service, to the vehicle owners in  Milton-Freewater, ORWalla Walla, WAPendleton, OR and surrounding areas.

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