Friday 14 December 2012

Got Slipping Gears? You need a Transmission Repair!

Although there is a big difference between a transmission service and a transmission repair, until the problem can be isolated and defined, vehicle owners tend to hold their breath! The most breathtaking aspect for most of us is the potential financial outlay that typically accompanies a transmission repair. And that cost usually increases if you choose to prolong having the vehicle checked out by a professional. Worse-case scenario, it can be dangerous if your transmission fails.

If you are looking for Transmission Repair Milton-Freewater OR your search can be over with our Wentland  Diesel Auto Center Milton-Freewater OR . Meet us for Engine Rebuild Milton-Freewater OR to have safe driving. 

Most modern vehicles alert drivers when a transmission begins to fail with unusual shifting symptoms or possibly a check engine light that comes one and won’t go off. When these appear, it’s time for an inspection performed by an auto technician as soon as possible. To prevent a premature and major transmission repair, most vehicle manufacturers recommend a transmission service at least once a year depending upon the miles driven and the type of miles. A typical transmission service consists of changing the transmission filters and fluid.

In addition to regular scheduled service, drivers should be careful to avoid hard accelerations. Drivers with manual vehicles should be careful to shift gears smoothly. Unfortunately, sometimes it doesn’t seem to matter how conscientious a driver is in servicing and driving properly, transmissions sometimes wear out and fail, it’s just their nature.

If a (relatively) simple transmission repair does not fix the problem, your mechanic may suggest an entire transmission rebuild or replacement. Obviously, this is not something that a typical vehicle owner can undertake. Some vehicle owners may be able to check for leaks or pay attention to strange shifting patterns or noises, but this should only be done in order to provide needed information to your mechanic. So, if your gears are slipping, get to a transmission repair center and leave it in the trained and skilled hands of a trusted professional.

Need quality transmission repair? Contact our ASE Certified Technicians at Wentland Diesel Service by calling 541-938-3875 or go on-line at for more information. Our auto and light truck repair and diesel service shop serves vehicle owners in Milton-Freewater, OR, Walla Walla, WA, Pendleton, OR and surrounding areas.