Friday 29 August 2014

Smart Driving Tips to Keep Your Wheel Alignment in Place!

If you've completed all your summer road trips and are starting to settle in for the Fall Season, you may want to have your wheel alignment checked. Loss of the proper car alignment is a common occurrence after traveling bumpy roads. As you get back on a busy schedule of work, school, sports, music lessons, etc., there are things you can do to keep your ride comfortable and reduce potential damage to your vehicle:

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Smart Driving Tips --

  • Check your tire pressure on a regular basis. If a tire is too soft, it handles poorly and a sudden bump or pothole may cause it to rupture.Over-inflated tires are susceptible to damage as well.
  • Keep the windshield clean! You want to make sure you can see any obstacles in the road.
  • Stay focused and pay attention to the traffic around you. Are they slowing or stopping for a problem in the road ahead? Avoid tailgating as this restricts your ability to anticipate obstacles or sudden braking by the vehicle in front of you.
  • Beware of puddles–there might be a deep and sharp-edged pothole lurking below.
  • Reduce your speed on bumpy gravel roads. Slower hits generally involve less damage from losing your car alignment or getting a punctured tire.
  • If you do have to drive over a bump or hit a pothole, take your foot off the accelerator, brake lightly, if at all, and then let off the brakes entirely the moment before impact. Hard braking can actually cause greater contact between the tire and the bump where it might otherwise glide over it. Immediately pay attention to whether or not you have a flat tire. You may want to pull off the road at your next opportunity to check your tires or rims for damage.
  • Do not swerve in a last ditch attempt to avoid a bump or pothole. Aside from creating a hazard for vehicles immediately behind and beside you, you risk hitting the bump at an oblique angle, which can cause more damage to the tire, wheel rim and car alignment.
Tip to Remember: If your car is pulling to one side of the road or the other while driving on a straight level road, it is a good indication that the wheel alignment is off and needs attention.

Need a quality wheel alignment service? Contact our ASE Certified Technicians at Wentland Diesel Service by calling 541-938-3875 or go on-line at for more information. Our one-stop auto shop provides car and truck repair, including diesel fuel injection service, to the vehicle owners in Milton-Freewater, OR, Walla Walla, WA, Pendleton, OR and surrounding areas.

Timely Vehicle Maintenance: Keep Your Teen Safe at the Wheel!

Parents have spent years protecting their children from all sorts of dangers on the road and off. They are now facing the fact that their teenager will soon be getting behind the wheel of a vehicle to get back and forth from school and other activities. One of the first steps of preparation is to make sure that all recommended vehicle maintenance has been performed on the vehicle your teen will be driving. Due to lack of experience, they will probably not recognize the signs indicating a pending car maintenance problem.

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Agree to the Rules, or don't Drive! Don't just hand over the car keys without a set of rules. Surveys show that teens whose parents impose driving restrictions typically engage in less risky driving and are involved in fewer crashes. Your teenager should agree to follow these five rules before getting behind the wheel:
  • No Cell Phones! No matter how experienced a driver is, talking on a cell phone while driving reduces your reaction time similar to that of a 70-year-old. Texting involves manual, visual, and cognitive distraction and is among the worst of all driver distractions. Parents should act as a role model by turning off their cell phone and putting it in the glove compartment before putting the key in the ignition.
  • No Extra Passengers! In a study analyzed by NHTSA, teen drivers were two-and-a-half times more likely to engage in one or more potentially risky behaviors when driving with a teenage peer compared to when driving alone. Research also shows that the risk of a fatal crash goes up in direct relation to the number of teenagers in the car.
  • No Speeding! Speeding is a major factor in teen crash fatalities (35% in 2011). Make sure your teen understands the dangers of speeding and staying in control of the vehicle. Remind them to always follow the posted limit and of the potential consequences.
  • No Alcohol! Drivers 15-20 years old are at far greater risk of death in crashes involving alcohol than adults, even though they cannot legally purchase or possess it. If lucky enough to survive a crash, your teen will have to face the consequences of breaking the law, which could include a trip to jail, the loss of a driver's license, and dozens of other expenses including attorney fees, court costs, other fines, and insurance consequences. Your teen may also lose academic eligibility, college acceptance, and scholarship awards.
  • Always Buckle Up! Whether driving across town or just around the neighborhood, remind your teenagers that wearing seat belts is the absolute best way to protect themselves and their passengers by helping them maintain control of the vehicle in emergency situations. You should set an example by buckling up every time you get in the car.
Talking is important, but action is even better. As a parent, you are the #1 influence molding your young adult into a safe and capable driver. Don't let your teen become a statistic.

To help ensure the safety of your teen's vehicle, make sure all recommended car maintenance is up-to-date. Contact our ASE Certified Technicians at Wentland Diesel Service by calling 541-938-3875 or go on-line at for more information about vehicle maintenance. Our one-stop auto repair shop provides car and truck repair, including diesel fuel injection service, to the vehicle owners in Milton-Freewater, OR, Walla Walla, WA, Pendleton, OR and surrounding areas.